все о электровелосипедах и электроскутерах
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This T20 Bamboo Electric Scooter is a prototype by french designer Antoine Fritsch. The frame is made from bamboo that makesit lightweight and of course cool. It has a top speed of about 22mph, and a range of about 25 miles in one charge.
"the acceleration works similar to a scooter, employing manual power from the user to push the bike forward until it gets going, while a hybrid cork structure acts as a fusion between a seat and backrest for a comfortable ride".
дизайн правда суперский
Редактировался nrg (2011-10-04 23:30:44)
Он же RedimeR icq: 424-297-058icq: 424-297-058 (Мой двухподвес)
Мах: 104 км/ч на плоскаче 2012г.
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